Lismore Show, 2015
It's barely 9 o' clock at night and I'm sitting here needing matchsticks to prop my eyes open. I know I won't be the only one… half of the island will probably be in exactly the same boat. Today saw the first Lismore Show since around the time of the Second World War. A huge amount of work and effort had gone in beforehand to make the day the great success it was. The show was the brainchild of Neil Carmichael, but I think it's safe to say his whole family was involved, including his Gran, Cathie Carmichael, who would be presenting the prizes later in the day.

Our own day started with
transporting our exhibits to the hall… no mean feat, given that we had 27
entries between us and a rather bumpy road to drive along. All went well though, with everything arriving

When we returned to the hall in
the afternoon, we were delighted to discover that Ealasaid, Alasdair, Ruairidh
and myself had all managed to win some prizes, with Ealasaid being particularly
successful. A further surprise came
later in the day, when Ealasaid was announced as the overall winner of two
trophies, one for junior handicrafts and one for junior baking. What made this even better was that both trophies
had been donated by our family – one in memory of my grandmother, Flora MacLean
(MacGillivray) of Achuaran and the other by the Achinduin branch of the
family. Lovely to see the senior baking
prize going to Kiki MacColl, of Achinduin…we really do like to keep things in
the family!!

Now it's time to wind down, eat
lots and lots and lots…and even more lots…of baking, clear away a million paint
brushes and other craft stuff…and sleep!
It was all well worth the effort though, especially for the children,
who are delighted beyond belief with their prizes – rosettes are just the best
things ever, according to Alasdair and Ruairidh! Roll on the next Lismore show…hope it's not
70 odd years till then.
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