February Cèilidh

Last night saw the first of Comunn Gàidhealach an Òbain's winter cèilidhs.  It was this year's Buffet Ceilidh, usually held in January, but postponed this year due to clashes with other events.  After much food preparation, setting up of tables and so on, people started to congregate at Oban's Masonic Hall for 7.30pm.  Colin and I sold tickets at the door, so we had a great chance to see everyone – good to catch up with lots of friends, many of whom we hadn't seen for a while.  We were, of course, ably 'assisted' by Ealasaid, Alasdair and Ruairidh…at various points throughout the night, we offered all three of them as raffle prizes, but strangely, no one seemed to think we were serious!  There was a good sized crowd, who all enjoyed a buffet meal, followed by a ceilidh.  The crowd was wonderfully entertained by Alastair MacDonald on accordion, Aaron Hossein on pipes and singers Robert Robertson, Freddie MacKenzie and Riona MacCormick.  Everyone agreed it was a great night, with a lovely, family atmosphere…just what a cèilidh should be.  Colin and I had to leave early with the boys to catch the last ferry home…even that was a family affair, with one cousin on duty on the ferry and several other cousins heading home as passengers.  Ealasaid decided to stay on with Grandma and Seanair to enjoy the rest of the music…one of the perks of being a big, grown up seven year old! 


Today's been a lazy day…the two youngest cèilidh-goers needed time to relax and recharge their batteries after their big night out…well, Ruairidh's doing the relaxing for both of them, while Alasdair trashes the sitting room with the contents of his ball pool! 



  1. Sounds like a great night. Such cute pictures. I'm liking Ruairidh's style....I wonder if they do bouncers in adult sizes??xx

  2. Mmmm...now there's an idea! xx


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