School Holiday Shenanigans

This half term break kind of crept up on us really.  Miss Ealasaid had been off school with some bug that had been doing the rounds, so there was no pre-holiday excitement at all.  That was until her best pal Katie came up from Dumbarton with her parents to spend some of her school break in their holiday house next door to us in Lismore.  We couldn't say that Ealasaid was miraculously cured or anything, but it really helped her to have that added incentive to get out of bed each day, so that she could see her beloved Katie.  A bit of fresh air and lots of quality time with that lovely wee girl has definitely helped her recovery.  The pair of them went to an afternoon tea in the village hall, where Ealasaid 'encouraged' some of my adult Gaelic learners by telling them that it really wasn't that easy a language and that she found it difficult too…despite it being the language she learns through in school and it being second nature to her to use in whatever situation arises!  Lovely that she could be a source of encouragement though, in some way or other. 


Once Katie had gone back home, it was time to think up some other way to entertain the hordes during the holidays.  Grandma and Seanair came up trumps here – they decided to go down to Glasgow for a few days, taking Miss Ealasaid with them.  Colin and I popped down with the boys for part of the time as well, so it was a real family affair.  Much of the time was spent at my late aunt's house, which was lovely – so nice that she's still part of family life in a way, even though she's not here with us any more.  Much fun was had by all with the grandparents, including Ealasaid and Seanair going on a trip to Pollock Park and the Burrell…I feel this amazing connection, seeing my parents doing all these things with my daughter that my Gran used to do with me.  Such a lovely feeling having her 'share' in her own childhood the experiences and places which were so important to me in mine. 

Back home again and back to school for Miss E, but time for the remaining members of the family to have their holiday outing - a lovely day spent with Collach and Liosach on the shore at Point.  Oh, and the boys were there too!  Not that Ruairidh was feeling very photogenic, due to extreme starvation – it had been at least 10 minutes since his last feed, so he was in a foul mood!  Managed to get a couple of snaps of Daddy and Alasdair though, to supplement the doggy photo shoot! 




  1. Aw what a lovely post! The bit about Miss Ealasaid doing things with Seanair and Grandma brought a little tear to my eye!

    Lovely that you can still stay at Aunt Violet's - I'm sure she'd have loved to meet her Great-nephews.

    PS Fab photos too! I assume Seanair was fake sleeping out of protest at having his photo taken? xx


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