May Day holiday fun

We couldn't have hoped for better weather for today's holiday from school.  I had the day off work too, which was a lovely surprise.  French leeks have now been planted, as well as the second tier of my gutter garden - lots more lettuces.  I've put a few lettuces in in the polytunnel too, so it'll be interesting to see if there's any difference in their growth.  Colin managed to do his ladies and still clear the garage out...there's a bit more to be done in it, but it's getting there.  He also built our new gas barbecue, though the gas canister we got didn't fit, so we ended up barbecuing tonight's dinner on a bog standard disposable barbecue - not quite what we had in mind!  After dinner activities included Colin building a walled planting area in front of the garage, a game of football with a visiting local dog, while she waited for her owner to come pick her up and nearly an hour of trampolining fun...there were four of us on it at one point, which was, erm, interesting!   Could have been worse though - Ruairidh was trying to persuade the dogs to join us as well!  


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