It was a beautiful November day in 2013 when I sat waiting for my “Moment that Mattered”. I knew it was coming, but I just didn’t know what kind of moment it was going to be. Glorious sunshine streamed through the windows, horses and sheep, along with the odd chicken, wandered by outside, revelling in the unexpected winter warmth. I, however, while I was aware of all of it, wasn’t really seeing any of it. All I could see was this unexploded bomb sitting right in the middle of my family. And that November day was the day I was going to find out if the bomb was about to destroy us or if it could somehow be disarmed. For months now, my Dad had been losing weight with a frightening rapidity. Everyone he met would comment on how slim and svelte he was looking…and every comment was like a knife going through us, because we all knew he was eating just as much as ever. It’s easy to imagine the one thing that was on eve...
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