A quiet day off...

With a day off from work, I thought I'd spend a nice, quiet, relaxing day.  Well...it was nice...but much more productive than I would have imagined.

Lots of left over vegetables meant that today turned into a bit of a cook-a-thon.  Ruairidh was most impatient waiting for my first effort to cook.  Alasdair was still engaged in stealing the raw tomatoes to chew on while Ruairidh was demanding to know when his tomato soup would be ready.  There's just no pleasing some people!

Tomato soup made and (partially) consumed, it was the turn of the root veg...lots of peeling and slicing later and a creamy carrot, parsnip and potato gratin had appeared...

Daddy was the impatient one this time, but he'll have to wait till tomorrow night, as I'd other plans for tonight's dinner.

I didn't manage to use up all the parsnips though, so spicy parsnip soup was next...roasted in the oven with lots of garlic and onion, then blitzed with some stock, it'll be heading straight to the freezer for another night.  There's a limit as to how much soup even Ruairidh can eat in one go!

Finally managed to get on to tonight's dinner...teriyaki salmon with sesame pak choi and noodles.  Definitely the quickest and easiest to prepare of all today's efforts.  It's all disappeared, so I guess it must have worked out ok.

In between all that, I also managed to sign myself up for an online photography course...

and I also discovered that I really need to see what I can do about getting a refund for a recent shopping trip...


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