Uneventful or highly significant?

I really wasn't sure what to write about today.  Personally speaking, it was a pretty quiet and insignificant day, but for various other people/ pets/ projects, today held quite a bit of significance.  

For our friends and colleagues in Port Castle, today saw the start of another stage in the renovation work which will give them the new kitchen they've been waiting for for about 10 years.  Colin and Simon were hard at work installing electrical cables, ripping out old worktops and rearranging just about everything, prior to plastering and then installing the new kitchen.  It might not seem like much to most people, but to Nicky, it will be a dream come true when she can finally use her lovely kitchen that's been waiting in storage for so long.  

For Miss Percy, today was significant in that she started her antibiotics to see if her swollen leg can be cured.  If this doesn't work, as Nicky said, with a heavy heart, it will be time for her to be reunited with old friends in the big field in the sky...so a hugely important day for this old lady, as she starts what could be her final battle.

A big day for her pal, puppy dog Florence, too, as she, albeit unwittingly, could be having to face life without the old friend she's always had beside her.  She just wants her cat to be able to play with her again...it's not easy understanding life when you're an excitable collie pup!

Finally, today could hold massive significance for our whole island, as the survey about the Bachuil Project closes today.  No matter what anyone's personal views on the subject may be, I doubt many people could argue that this could be a potentially life changing decision for the whole island.  We can only pray that the correct choice is made, even if that decision is not our own one.  

All in all, what at first glance seemed to be a pretty ordinary, unimportant, almost boring day, could actually be one of the important days in recent memory.  


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