Oban and North Connel trip

We were very pleased with ourselves today - managed to get to church in Oban, leaving from Lismore, at least 5 minutes before Mum and Dad got there, and they were only leaving from North Connel.  Not only that, but we were actually on time!

Heading out to North Connel after Church, we took a quick detour to watch the Isle of Arran coming into Oban Bay.  She's not a boat we see here often, so we thought it was worth capturing her picture while we had the chance.

Then it was off to Grandma and Seanair's for lunch, before heading home.  It was a beautiful, crystal clear starry night, with even a planet visible, apparently.  We say an extremely bright light in the sky, which we manage to see on the telescope too, though not properly - one of these days we will read all of the instructions and learn how to work the thing properly.  All attempts to capture the beauty of the night sky on camera failed dismally though (unless a few wee star trails count) - think that's another learning curve we have to tackle!


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