Another busy day

Today started as normal, with children going off to school (and their swimming trip to Oban) and Colin and myself going off to work.  This did involve an impromptu spot of fencing for Colin, as we discovered that the horses must have been partying during the night and had had a slight altercation with one of  Nicky's fences.  Fence and horses all back to normal now!  
We arrived home from work just as Grandma and Seanair were also arriving on the island...accompanied by two excited wee boys who had "found" them on the ferry.  We were then regaled with Ruairidh's swimming prowess...he has now been in the pool twice, yesterday and today, and is already swimming around on his own with a float and is an expert on the slide.  That boy just doesn't know what fear is!  
Colin and Dad then disappeared off on to North Connel, as they are off on a road trip tomorrow, both of them as far as Glasgow, then Colin is travelling to Manchester by train to pick up the new car...rather them than me, with a lovely 5am start.  A lovely rainbow appeared just as they were leaving to guide them on their way...not that the photos can do it justice.  
The final act of today was the Lismore Public Hall AGM, followed by a short Directors' meeting.  Quite a good turnout and several new Directors, although we will greatly miss our retiring Chairman, Anita Bachuil, who was a wonderful asset on the Board.  


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