Half and Half Day

Friday is usually my day off, but due to fire trauma training, Colin and Simon were otherwise engaged all day, so my morning was spent at Seahorse, helping Nicky with today's orders.  With Florence to help us, we got through everything nicely...it's amazing the contribution a Collie pup can make to making and packing orders!  She's a great post dog too...we just couldn't manage without her to help!  

My afternoon involved one of my usual conflagrations...the rubbish evicted from the office yesterday is no more.  Much fun was also had by Alasdair and Ruairidh, as Grandma and Seanair were here for the day too...Miss Ealasaid was out socialising, so she wasn't home till late.  Not good when she's got a better social life than the adults!  Ruairidh definitely takes today's prize for adventurism though...he should really come with a health warning!


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