Photo Day and Excursion Day

Today started depressingly early, as the children were all going off on a trip to Taynuilt Primary School today, even Mr. Ruairidh.  We were especially glad that he was getting to go too, as part of their travel was to involve a train journey from Oban to Taynuilt - Alasdair and Ruairidh had never been on a train before, so it would have been a shame for one to get to go and not the other.  As it was, they seemed to take it all in their stride - I think I get more excited going on trains than they did having their first ever trip on one!  The further excitement of the boat they were meant to return home on being cancelled and them having to come back a different way also failed to capture their imagination.  And as for gaining any insight as to what they actually did all day at a strange school - still waiting to hear that they did anything other than play!  

My day was spent taking and editing more Seahorse photos...not all plain sailing, but I'm hopeful that I'm now on the right lines and have produced something useful.  We shall see!  


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