Manic Monday

Ok, so not that manic, not for me anyway.  Colin had the joys of driving the school bus today, so that kept him on his toes, as did all of his usual Monday morning jobs, not to mention having a big training session at the Fire Station this evening.  Ealasaid and Alasdair had the excitement of a trip to Oban with the school, for swimming and a visit to the police station.  They both really enjoyed it, though Alasdair was shattered after the day's exertions.  Ruairidh was not impressed to be missing out, but it looks like he's getting a chance to tag along tomorrow, weather permitting.  
Due to Colin's school bus shenanigans, I finished work early to go on child-watch.  We headed down the hill from the school to Achnacroish, where Ealasaid and Ruairidh went rock climbing...I thought Ealasaid was exaggerating when she said that's what they were going to do, but when I glanced over after taking my eye off them for a second, I realised she was being scarily accurate.  Quite adventurous wee people, the darlings!  Alasdair, of course, was sensible and stayed with me in the car park, only joining the maniacs when they returned from their adventure.  
We stopped off to say hello to some cute locals on the way home.


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