A normal Sunday

For the first time in ages, Sunday actually went pretty much as planned.  Well, there was one minor (!) glitch, when the island car was reluctant to start then made a nasty, potentially terminal, sound and refused to participate any further in the day's activities.  Especially unfortunate as it's meant to be going on its holidays to France in the not too distant future.  The mainland car is now giggling gleefully and humming the Marseillaise to itself, as it looks out its passport in anticipation of the demise of its sister vehicle.  

After a quick car swap, we made it to the ferry on time, made it to church on time, I survived creche duty with no major scars, we picked up a few bits and pieces in the shops then made it to Grandma and Seanair's on time for lots of quality time, coffee, playing and hugs.  

Not many photo opportunities today though, due to the thick mist that followed us everywhere.


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