Back to work

Monday morning and time to head back to work at Seahorse.  It can never be a hardship going to work, even on a Monday morning, when you're greeted by the beautiful faces of Mr Yair and Mrs Polo.  Yair decided to "help" us carry some boxes of post into the house...well, headbutting's helping, right?!  Can't blame the boy - he'd had to wait till about 9.30am for his breakfast - a gentle reminder was perfectly in order!

I had further "help" later in the day - with Simon and Nicky being away, Colin came down to help me take the post sacks up the hill...accompanied by Mr Ruairidh.  I'm amazed we managed to get any post out at all, with his kind assistance!  The final "help" of the day came with the return of Simon and Nicky...and Florence!  The kind of assistance a collie pup can provide when decorating china is, well, indescribable, really!

Back home, and it's all stations go again...dinners to prepare, homework to complete, fire training to attend and a Lismore Community Trust meeting to host...never a dull moment!


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