Valentine's Day Lismore-Style

We do things a bit differently here...we'd be romantic if we had the time, but well, life doesn't always allow for that!  Colin headed off to Oban on a fuel run before I was even up this morning.  I made valiant efforts to organise children - failing miserably of course - before going off to work.  Ruairidh must be the only child ever to select a pristine white shirt as his clothing of choice for a non school day spent playing in the garden.  My protests were met by "but I love this one!" - crazy child!  

Good to see other non-romantics hard at work this morning as I made my way down to Port Castle - still a slightly choppy sea, but much improved.

Colin joined us later in the day at Seahorse - the four of us managed to get lots of lovely orders made and posted out, before embarking on our afternoon endeavours.  Kitchen renovations for Colin and Simon and plans for Nicky's exciting new business projects for the two of us.  Florence, of course, ably assisting both parties in every possible way.  

Back home and the quickest dinner imaginable was thrown together before I headed out to a Hall meeting...not exactly a romantic dinner for two!  

Round about 11 o' clock at night, we did all manage to exchange Valentine's cards...who says romance is dead!  Seanair...I mean, the mystery admirer...excelled himself as ever with his poetry on Ealasaid's card.  Have to admit there's still a teeny bit of me that's jealous that she's taken over as the recipient of his works of art!  Over 40 years of Valentine's poetry for his girls (Mum, me and now Ealasaid) must make him about the most romantic one of all of us.


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