Thinking Day Parade

Today saw this year's Thinking Day Parade being held in St. Modan's Church, Benderloch.  Ealasaid was lucky enough to be chosen for the Colour Party, so there was much excitement this morning - on the part of the adults, that is, as Miss E just takes it all in her stride.  We actually managed to arrive more or less on time, which is quite miraculous for us.  Ealasaid went off to collect her flag and the rest of us trooped into the church.  It was quite a tight squeeze, all six of us in one rather short pew, but at least it gave the boys less wriggle room.  
The Colours were brought in during the first hymn.  The Guides and Cubs all did their jobs very well, like mini professionals.  It was a lovely service, with Jeff MacCormick, the minister, captivating the children as usual with his address.  The children are learning more and more about the traditions and practices of bearing the Colours as the years progress - the Colours were lowered during the National Anthem at the end of the service, something which they weren't always aware of in previous years.  Lovely to see so many of the children singing the National Anthem too - again, not many of them knew the words a year or two back, so they've learned a lot recently.  The poor things then had to stand out in the pouring rain while the congregation left the church - they were remarkably cheerful about it all though.

We had a tea and coffee in the Hall after the service, followed by a lovely soup lunch in the Victory Hall.  The Guides did all of the serving themselves - they were excellent waitresses and all showed remarkable confidence and composure.  It was then time for a quick rush for the 2pm ferry, as there was another storm forecast, so we couldn't risk waiting till the 4pm.  So far so good, but it was still good to get home early and have a relaxed afternoon and evening after a lovely, but busy morning.  


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