Manic Monday

Today ended up being quite a busy day, despite initially seeming like a quite uneventful one.  A lovely walk to work, punctuated by several fly pasts by the local geese, led on to a productive day at work, which was followed by Mr. Colin heading off to fire training, where they apparently got through lots of they claim, anyway! Miss Florence was also in attendance at fire checks, so at least they had someone sensible in charge!
The sunset on the way home from Port Castle was really quite spectacular..,.the hills looked as if they were on fire.  

I arrived home to discover that the parents had made it over to Lismore, against all expectations.  Lots of happy children were to be found fussing over Grandma and Seanair!  A busy evening was spent doing "my numbers" (Alasdair) and "grrrrrr....MATHS!!!!!" (Ealasaid), with Ruairidh contributing by eating gargantuan quantities of ice cream!  I then set out to make a quick dinner, which ended up being the kind of feast that would have taken a Chinese restaurant several days to prepare...I felt it was well worth the effort when Dad, who isn't a huge Chinese fan, commented on my Chinese efforts by saying, "I could eat that".  He wasn't even kidding...he was being majorly complimentary!  


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