Co-fharpais na Càisge/ Easter Competition

Co-fharpais beag bìodach, dìreach airson innse dhan luchd leantainn agam gu bheil mi fhathast beò! A tiny wee competition, just to let my followers know I'm still alive! Cothrom agaibh càirt na Càisge a bhuannachadh, leis an teachdaireachd agaibh fhèin. A chance to win an Easter card, with your own message on it. Gheibhear seo agus iomadh rud eile air an larach-lìn againn, This and many other things can be purchased on our website, Originally designed to be printed in Scottish Gaelic, we can print the card according to the winner's own requirement for the purposes of this competition. 'S urrainnear a' cho-fharpais fhaicinn fon seo. You can enter via the Gleam app below. Dehmel Designs Easter Card Giveaway