Leabaidh ùr/ a new bed

Shaoileadh tu gum b’ e Nollaig a bh’ ann a-rithist - fhuair na balaich leabaidh ùr!  Bha iad air a bhith a' feitheamh air a son fad barrachd is seachdain is cha robh iad foghaideanach idir, idir, idir!  Co-dhiù, bha an seòmar a-nis falamh agus dh'fhaodadh Dadaidh leabaidh a thogail.  
 You would think it was Christmas again - the boys got a new bed! They'd been waiting for more than a week and they weren't at all patient!  Anyway, the room was now empty and Daddy could build a bed!


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