80 an-diugh!/ 80 today!

B' e seo an latha mòr, sònraichte...seo an 80mh co-latha brèith aig mo mhàthair.  Chaidh sinn uile dhan eaglais anns an Òban an toiseach agus an uair sin dhachaigh du Dehmel airson partaidh bheag.  

This was the big, special day...my Mum's 80th birthday.  We all went to Church in Oban first and then home to Dehmel for a wee party.  

An-dèidh beagan bìdh, bha an t-àm ann airson cèic - bha na balaich dìreach air bioran mu dheidhinn nan coinnlean!  "Chuidich" iad Seanmhair le bhith gan sèideadh a-mach!  

After some food, it was cake time - the boys were so excited about the candles!  They "helped" Grandma to blow them out!

An uair sin, dè eile ach na preasantan...bha mo mhàthair air leth toilichte leis a h-uile rud a fhuair i, ged nach robh i buileach a' creidsinn na fhuair i.  

Next, what else but the presents...my Mum was delighted with everything she received, although she couldn't quite believe all that she got.

B' e latha sònraichte, prìseil a bh' ann, le tòrr spòrs dhan a h-uile duine.  
It was a special, precious day, with so much fun for everyone.  


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