Feasgar trang/ A busy afternoon

Abair gun robh sinne trang feasgar an-diugh - bha obair-dachaigh aig na balaich!  Leughadh, sgrìobhadh, cunntadh...is a' tarraing à Mamaidh, gus am biodh i a' dol cràite!  Saoil an robh leannabh ann a-riamh nach robh a' cur a phàrantan às an rian le a bhith a' leughadh rudeigin  mar seo:  "h-a-d, h-a-d, h-a-d... tha sin ag ràdh... Kipper!" Is an uair sin, dìreach nuair a tha na pàrantan bochd a' toiseachadh air rànail, tha an creutair beag mì-mhodhail a' leughadh an leabhair bhon toiseach dhan deireadh, uile gu lèir gun mhearachd sam bith!  Càit' a bheil am fìon?!

Weren't we busy this afternoon - the boys had homework!  Reading, writing, counting...and teasing Mummy till she goes mad!  I wonder if there was ever a child who didn't drive its parents senseless by reading something like this:  "h-a-d, h-a-d, h-a-d... that says... Kipper!" And then, just when the poor parents are starting to cry, the cheeky wee creature reads the whole book from start to finish without a single mistake!  Where's the wine?!


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