Soraidh slàn aig seann charaid / farewell to an old friend
B’ e seo an latha a dh’fhàg sinn uile soraidh slàn mu dheireadh aig co-ogha m’ athair, Raibeart MacGillebhrath. Bha e 86 bliadhna dh'aois agus shiubhail e air latha na bliadhn' ùire. Ged a bha sinn uile brònach, b' e latha snog a bh' ann cuideachd, ann an dòigh, 's an teaghlach gu lèir cruinn còmhla. Bha Raibeart air a bhith air a dhòigh, nam b' urrainn dhasan a bhith ann!
Today we bid a final farewell to one of Dad's cousin, Robert MacGillivray. He was 86 and died on New Year's Day - just after the Bell, in fact. Although we were all sad, it was a lovely day too, in a way, with the whole family together. Robert would have loved it if he could have been there!
Today we bid a final farewell to one of Dad's cousin, Robert MacGillivray. He was 86 and died on New Year's Day - just after the Bell, in fact. Although we were all sad, it was a lovely day too, in a way, with the whole family together. Robert would have loved it if he could have been there!
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