Leabaidh #2/ Bed #2

Bha tòrr obrach aig Dadaidh, ach bha dithis ann a bha daonnan ga "chuideachadh" - b' esan a bha toilichte!
Daddy had a lot of work to do, but he had a couple of willing "helpers" - he was so pleased!
An-dèidh beagan ùine, bha barrachd adhartas ri fhaicinn...
After a little while, there was some more progress to be seen...
Mu dheireadh thall, cha mhòr nach robh i deas...is bha an luchd-obrach gu math, math toilichte!
At long last, it was almost ready...and the workers were pretty pleased!
'S e leabaidh "Wayfair" a tha seo, agus tha sinn uile dhen bheachd gun e fìor dheagh leabaidh a th' innte - tha i fada nas làidire na leapannan eile dhen t-seòrsa seo a chaidh a dhèanamh aig ìre gu math àrd.
This is a "Wayfair" bed, and we all think it's an excellent one - much stronger than other beds of this kind and made to a very high standard.

Agus a-nis - tha an t-àm ann an leabaidh fheuchainn...bha fiù 's Alasdair deònach a bhith a' sreap suas, esan a tha nas buailtiche a bhith a' dèanamh sgrùdadh slàinte agus sàbhailteachd mus dèan e dad sam bith...!
And now - it's time to test the beds...even Alasdair was willing to climb up, the one who's more in the habit of carrying out a full health and safety study before he does anything...!
Theirinn gu bheil na dealbhan a leanas a' dearbhadh gu bheil an dithis aca cho toilichte sa ghabhas leis an leabaidh ùr aca...bha iad a' faighneachd am b' e àm leabaidh a bh' ann aig ceithir uairean feasgar!
I'd say the following pictures prove just how happy the pair of them are with their new bed...they were asking if it was bedtime at four in the afternoon!
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