Latha ciùin eile, ach gu math brònach cuideachd
Bha a h-uile rud mar as àbhaist an-diugh...obair agus barrachd obrach air Etsy...ach chuala sinn cuideachd gun do shiubhail seann charaid agus sàr Ghàidheal, Iain MacLeòid gu h-obann. B' e ceann suidhe a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich a bh' ann airson deich bliadhna is duine cho laghach 's a ghabhas cuideachd. Latha brònach dha-rìribh airson saoghal na Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd agus dhan teaghlach aige gu sònraichte.
Everything was pretty normal and more work on Etsy...but we also heard that an old friend and true Gael, John MacLeod, had died suddenly. He was the President of An Comunn Gàidhealach for 10 years and also a lovely man. A sad day indeed for the world of Gaelic in general and especially for his family.
Everything was pretty normal and more work on Etsy...but we also heard that an old friend and true Gael, John MacLeod, had died suddenly. He was the President of An Comunn Gàidhealach for 10 years and also a lovely man. A sad day indeed for the world of Gaelic in general and especially for his family.
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